Unsubscribe from emails with 1 click
Gmail unsubscribe tool that actually works - mass delete and unsubscribe from unwanted emails instantly.

Join 15,687 people who have used Inbox Zapper to clean 28,384,924 emails
Magically clean up your inbox.
Inbox Zapper scans your inbox for email lists and unwanted emails. None of your data is ever shared third-parties, preserving complete privacy.
Unsubscribe from mailing lists
Unsubscribe in Gmail, with just 1 click. You don’t even have to open the email!
Mass delete old emails
Running out of storage space? Delete all emails from a sender with 1 click.
Built for your privacy.
Other tools resell your data or spam you with ads for other products, we just help you clean your inbox – that's it.
Encrypted end-to-end
We don't share any of your data, ever
Certified by Google's privacy team
What are people saying about us?
Join 10,000 others who say Inbox Zapper is the best way to mass unsubscribe and mass delete emails.

Ben Levy

Keith Marshall

Karen Carpenter

Nick Rasch

Lucas Stettner

Amol Patel